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Episode 71 – Egoism III: birds

The Brilliant Podcast
The Brilliant
Episode 71 - Egoism III: birds

In this third episode my goal was to talk to someone who was newer to egoist ideas. My hope was to see how these ideas layer over time, but at an earlier time slice. Daniel/birds was gracious enough to sit through this conversation but I suspect they were agitated at the idea that they were a newbie to egoist ideas. Of course they aren’t! but the last two interviews were with known egoists.

Anyway, this was a useful conversation because it does establish a baseline from which to understand what this egoism thing is all about. It is worth noting that Daniel is doing the sound editing for these past few episodes and is doing a fantastic job!

Intro: FASTIDIO – “Generación” // Outro: RIXE – “Condamné”

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One Comment

  1. raj raj

    Thanks for clarifying how Stirner is not a fucking ancap!
    I’m really enjoying these podcasts.

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