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Episode 63 – Technology V

The Brilliant Podcast
The Brilliant
Episode 63 - Technology V

The goal of this series is to discuss our critique(s) of technology and how these critiques have changed in the past few decades. Specifically we are discussing new technologies like mobile and Internet technology. Communication has changed. How we access information has changed. How has this meant that we have changed too?

Episode 59 – Gerardo (haters to the left)
Episode 60 – Paul Z Simons (wandering post-left anarchist)
Episode 61 – Ramon Elani (black seed editor)
Episode 62 – Rydra! (Free Radical Radio)
Episode 63 – Jason McQuinn (Modern Slavery editor, A:JODA creator)

The intention of this series of podcasts is not to do your work for you. It isn’t to tell you what to do or think. It is to examine the weaknesses of a set of thirty year old critiques of technology to our current situation. Especially in the context of the tremendous growth and change of information technologies like the Internet.

The final episode is Season two and in our series on technology is a conversation with Jason McQuinn where we tackle technology but also many other concepts. Join us!

Thank you so much for your attention and feedback.

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