I have mentioned the influence of Dreamtime Village on me quite a few times. I only visited there once before this interview but it really something. It involved an aborted attempt at a midwest anarchist network (I was living at the Trumbelplex in Detroit at the time). It was at least a dozen of us, enough for a dance party, enough for some embarrasing photos, not enough to make a network happen.
Dreamtime may have been amazing but it was not exactly a laboratory of the anarchies. It hosted anarchists but may have been more accurately been described as a permacultural art space. The prime movers behinds the project were mIEKAL aND, Elizabeth Was, and their son Liaizon Wakest. Here are some links about them (recently) and their ongoing publishing project.

Thanks. I enjoyed that.
Aragorn was this the place you once spoke about in reference to Adam Curtis as being a sort of cybernetic inspired anarchistic commune? I think it was in the context of your discussion with that English academic type bloke you like.