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Duane and I have known each other for a number of years. (At least 12!) He was one of the first people who found the first http://irc.anarchyplanet.org IRC server (which in fact used SILC) and joined the merry band that started The Anarchist Library. He was doxxed by a rival group, was lost, then found, and wrote a book for LBC called After Post-Anarchism. This was nearly 10 years ago and since then Duane finished his PhD, started teaching, and then landed in my hometown.
This wide ranging conversation happened in a coffee house (terrible sound) but is an interesting snapshot in where the academy, anarchy, and mf Lacan will take you.

One Comment
though i am sure this conversation will get fewer plays than many others, i feel that this episode is quite important. the attempt at conversation with those who’ve left/distanced themselves from the milieu but still feel compelled & engaged is something that should accelerate throughout the lands. i had been turned off by DR’s book but that’s whatever. can’t say i will pursue anything about ‘post-anarchism’ any further than here but i appreciate his perspectives as expressed with aragorn! even when i could care less about such designations.
i must agree with him when he states that if it weren’t for LBC i would have ‘left’ a long time ago. projects such as this/lbc/the ardent family are certainly some of the only challenging/’soul-searching’/slow & thoughtful efforts in a milieu of dolts, shallow socialites, and bullies (and internet creatures). i would give a strong tip of the hat here to the anti-political/nihilist communists as well. foward! all you nutters! i mean, what else is there to do?
i am someone feeling increasingly interested in psychoanalysis but not sure where to bite into first. D&G and their madness is compelling but 100% above my head, though a fast impressionistic reading could be good fun. RD laing’s book ‘knots’ made me want to read more by him/his cohorts. i suppose i should start with freud but i ask of duane here (and anyone else for that matter): what do you like about lacan? what stuck with you from him to influence your practice? where to start with reading him & his ideas. big ask, i know.
anyway, thanks for this episode. cheers.